Upvote & more! New Update for Crowducate.

Vote up, Upvote

Crowducate listened to the user feedback and here’s the new update:

  • You can now upvote each course. Besides, courses are not sorted by the time they were created anymore but by the numbers of upvotes.
  • The author’s name is now shown for each course. Crowducate is not anonymous as e.g. Wikipedia. The vision is that teachers, instructors, coaches etc. can build up a reputation inside Crowducate, which is useful for them outside Crowducate.
  • The age categorization was very unpopular, so it’s gone.

To upvote, press the orange button. The number of upvotes and the author’s name are shown in the lower part of the course summary. We hope you like it. Let us know what you think in the comments section, via Twitter or email! More things to come can be seen in the roadmap post.

Image credit: Vote by alcantar214